Monday, June 16, 2008

Really now?

I have been in the oddest of moods lately. I have been having career bi polarity. It seems that one part of me wants nothing more than to be a successful buiness woman and the other wants aboslutly nothing more than to be married to J and stay home and take care of him. This is so funny because i have a repuation for being a femmenist with a capital F. But lately I have been feeling domestic with a capital D. I am so looking forwatd to starting my life, complete with all the naive hopes and expectations and I couldn't be more happy.
Either way, excuetive or stay at home mom, it is important to remember life is and can always be beautiful. What ever path I choose I go done with the support of a man who loves me unconditionally, a family which couldn't be more supportive and friends who I realish every day with.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

business woman or domestic housewife, it doesn't matter. The last line says it all. =)